
Anja's Artblog

Sunday 3 April 2011

Ocean Tales - W.I.P.

Okay I've just realized that I don't like the idea for my newest Studio Diamond contribution anymore. : /
It just popped up in my mind that I want to do something ocean related, and I started straight away without doing any colour- or characterstudies before, what's a bad thing I know.. ._.°
I'm just behind time so badly again, and have to contribute soon.

Some W.I.P. so far~


composition sketch                 sketch                  outlines

                  tracing process onto the primed water colour paper

first wash (I always have to force myself to keep on going and not putting it into the bin at this stage, because it simply looks so...poor xD"


 further washes to get at least the lady in shape :3 Colouring the hair and the skin is always the most exciting part for me. And the costume design of course.<3
(just photographs, so sorry for the bad quality and bleached colours...)

8 hours so far...already...gosh I'm so slow.x.X"
Now I've to finish the erm...octopus or whatever and the background... I'm running out of time!!>.<

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